Matthew Johnson
Professor Johnson received his BSc in Physics from the University of Waterloo, Canada as an NSERC Science Scholar. After industrial posts at Nortel and the National Research Council of Canada, he attended the California Institute of Technology where he was both a Millikan and IBM Fellow, receiving an MS in Physics in 1984 and PhD in Applied Physics in 1988. He then joined IBM Research, first as a postdoctoral research staff member at Yorktown Heights, NY and then in Zurich, Switzerland. In 1995, he joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Oklahoma. He became the Ted and Cuba Webb Presidential Professor in 2007 and was recognized with the Vice President for Research award for Outstanding Research Engagement in 2013. He was the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award and the Director of the Center for Semiconductor Physics in Nanostructures, an NSF MRSEC (2000-2012). He joined the WVU Department of Physics and Astronomy in 2016.